Docker Networking: It's Not Magic!

For as long as I’ve been learning Docker, I’ve never had a good reason to sit down and try to understand some of the mystical Docker networking mechanisms that make spinning up a container so effortless. That is until yesterday when I was scratching my head wondering why one of my containers wasn’t resolving my network’s internal hostnames! See, after a while of digging, it ocurred to me that the way Docker’s container networks operate is strikingly similar to that of traditional networking....

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · Nathan Litzinger

Bird Detection With YOLOv7

Thanks to this tutorial from TheCodingBug, I was able to use YOLOv7 to create a very primitive bird detection network. I scraped some generic Pennsylvania bird images, labelled them with a single “bird” class, and let YOLO work its magic overnight. For only an evening’s worth of work, I am extremely happy with the results. No–it’s not perfect, but it’s REALLY promising. With the amount of footage I have recorded and can potentially label in time, I have no doubt that I’ll be able to fine tune this model for our feeders and improve its recall even more....

September 5, 2022 · 2 min · Nathan Litzinger

The Discrete Fourier Transform - Conceptual Overview and Practical Notes

This Spring (2022), I took my first signal processing class. One of the most interesting things we covered was the Fourier Transform, and more practically, the Discrete Time Fourier Transform. I’m posting the PDF below as a reference for later projects, mainly to serve as a conceptual reminder of some of the concepts explaining the transform and how to do it. Though its covered on the Discrete Fourier Transform, the underlying principles are roughly the same for the DTFT (which we compute using fft)....

April 24, 2022 · 1 min · Nathan Litzinger

Building a Bird Feeder Live Stream

As my Spring 2021 semester was nearing completion, I found myself looking for ways to “productively procrastinate” studying for finals. Like many others at the time, COVID had led my family to resurrect our bird feeders as another at-home distraction. While it was fun seeing all kinds of new birds emerge from our woods, I soon found myself in a predicament: I couldn’t see the birds for the majority of the day....

January 6, 2022 · 10 min · Nathan Litzinger

FS3 - My Mock File System

As my Fall 2021 semester comes to a close, I made the final commits to perhaps one of the most interesting projects I’ve had the pleasure of stressing about thus far in school: building a file system. Err–okay, I won’t sit here and pretend that my classmates and I built out fully fledged filesystems ready to be thrown into Ubuntu for production. However, that wasn’t quite the point of this assignment....

December 15, 2021 · 7 min · Nathan Litzinger